Tuesday, October 28, 2014

El Martes

Hola from the pais de eternal spring!

fun with Stella 

brunch with Junie

Teddy Bear's Picnic by Jerry Garcia - on the iPad - our fav

Denise has been making costumes, she crocheted Hungry Caterpillar hats for both girls. Junie will be wrapped in a blanket cocoon and STella will wear beautiful felt wings that will be attached to her back and wrists, showing the colorful wings when she stretches her arms. There will be photos.   

 My biggest challenge is remembering not to throw toilet paper in the toilet - there are waste baskets provided. Once again we take services like waste disposal and plumbing for granted.

Just read that Iowa forfeited funding to expand Amtrak. Boo.

It is 6:00 and the kids just left for the city to pursue new & updated documents for the little girls. It will take all day at the embassy and offices, lots of waiting. Stella is a drama queen but tiny Juniper is exceedingly mellow as long as mom is there with instant dinner. We took her to a community theater play and she didn't make a peep.  Four of Denise's friends joined us for a drink and the play, fun to meet them as well.  They have built playgroups and book clubs and bicycle buddies, a large circle of fun and caring "family."

The play was Steve Martin's "Picasso at the Lapin Agile" and their friend was in it. Quite good although I confess I got drowsy and may have missed a few lines. Theater was small and in an old building (everything is old here, Antigua being the oldest European city on this side of the Atlantic) but the acoustics and sight lines were excellent, and it was in English. 

Today I take the bus into Antigua to my language lesson. I've been over the route with Brian and Denise, also with my Spanish teacher yesterday (two hours x 5 days = $55, a bargain). Claudia the housekeeper arrived, she will show me how to use the washer and dryer.

The language School is conveniently located near the hotel where sue and I will spend two nights and it has a secure ATM for lock currency. Very near the parque    central and Brian's bike shop.

I feel so much more at ease getting around and using currency at this point. I bought a cheap phone and have Brian's # in it.  My Spanish teacher loves to assist with all related topics.

Cameras just can't capture what the human eye sees in the evening from their rooftop patio. The volcanoes at sunset are spectacular, Fuego has been active the last two days.
Next time I'll bring my laptop instead of iPad mini, there is no great advantage to the portability as I don't carry it around for fear of pick pockets and it isn't as useful for photography and sending photos as simple pocket camera and laptop. I will also bring my cross body flat bag (alini) instead of the travel vest with all the pockets. The iPad mini shows through the hidden back pocket and could make me a target for backpack slashers. Although I am basically in safe settings one must err on the side of caution.

Van is home already. We all miss Grandpa, he was a big hit. But I admit to feeling more confident with my Spanish and navigation skills when I 'm depending on myself.


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